Supporting those that spend themselves in a worthy cause and dare greatly.
The missions on this page are just a small part of the big picture. We are trying to update these listings as often as we can. For more accurate updates, please feel free to write to us using the contact page on this site. If you would like to adopt a specific mission or you would like for us to consider a new one, please contact us directly.

LITA has begun to support field exercises and trainings for agencies and departments that have limited funds. In a partnership with several organizations and associations utilizing donated funds to cover the expenses of these trainings, not salaries or personnel (these are being donated by participants and partners).

Eugene Phipps, a member of the St. Croix Search and Rescue Team was critically injured in a two-story fall shortly after Hurricane Maria made landfall.
Eugene's hospital bills are staggering and his needs include restoration of his own home which was severely damaged, the care of his K9 partner, personal items while in therapy as well as travel expenses.

Around the United States, responder agencies are requesting critical stress programming for their members but do not have the budget to host such an event. Whether you want to help sponsor a single event or wish to become involved at a corporate level, we desperately need your assistance to make these life-saving programs available the moment they are requested.

Erath County Texas Sheriff’s Office’s newest asset is able to travel at 42 miles per hour and see from the sky.
That’s because an estimated $5,000 in equipment, including a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle, was donated to the department on Jan.20, 2021 through the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program (NPSDDP), the Life In The Arena Foundation and other partner entities.
“We’re extremely happy and excited about the donation,” said Erath County Sheriff Matt Coates. “We already used [the drone] twice within the first week of them donating it. It was extremely helpful in both situations.”
The donation was secured through the Life in the Arena Foundation.

On September 11, 2021, our foundation is hosting a 20th Anniversary Memorial Service in downtown Dublin, Texas that will be followed by a stair climb and walk.
We need support to make this event the success it deserves to be.
You can find out more about this event and how to support it or to register by clicking on the picture above.

Imagine life as an EMT after 2 hurricanes attack your home and community. We presently are seeking to supply new boots and uniforms for 19 EMT's on the island of St. Croix. Due to the generosity of a corporate partner, we have access to these items at an extremely discounted rate but need to make this purchase immediately.

Shortly after Maria's landfall on St. Croix, we became aware of a police officer on the island of St. Croix who has two young girls. As you can imagine, the life of ANY responder on that island has been far from normal, but to make matters worse, these two young girls, Aamira and Inari, had serious health issues even before the hurricane’s wrath made its horrific landfall on the island.
Due to lack of supplies, proper food, emergency medical help and deteriorating environmental issues such as mold, the need for the girls to be medi-vac’d off the island is crucial.
Family is available to take the girls in Florida. The need is for a flight from St. Croix to Florida. This need is immediate!

Backed by the book "Responding to the Invisible Child" written by Courtney Fuequay, this program trains and supplies responder agencies in the tools they need to deal with those struggling with mental illnesses, adults and children with autism, extreme ADD, Aspergers and more. We are now supplying Training, Resources and Keep Calm Tool Kits for children, their caregivers and First Responders to aid in their response to children with mental health disorders.

It is no secret that some response agencies are funded better than others; however, there is one common thread no matter the department or the amount of funding they have. That is they are for the most part staffed by selfless individuals that risk their lives to save person and property, day in and day out! Public safety officials, are to be highly commended for the efforts that they make on behalf of the communities they serve.
Over the years, the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program has been working closely with many public safety departments, first responders, police departments and others across the country to educate, train and provide UAV / UAS tools and technology. Sadly more often than not, many do not have the budget to afford the inflated prices of this type of hardware.
Donations of every size are being used to directly supply agencies that apply for assistance through NPSDDP achieve their goals in acquiring not only a public safety drone but the software and training they need.

Imagine in this day and age a police department completely left without necessary technology due to limited budgets and an unfortunate history of past Police Chiefs that embezzled from the coffers. Help us help a small Iowa agency to acquire the vest camera, lighting and forensic equipment needed to keep up with the demands of their job!

We recently were approached by a small rural fire department that has no helmet lights whatsoever. Through one of our partnerships, we can provide these brave men and women with the equipment they need for a small amount and are looking for a single sponsor to reach out to us with $1000!