NineteenTen Publishing now has an open call for submissions. That means you can submit your book manuscript for review whether or not you are currently working with a literary agent.
We only accept submissions for original works. All manuscripts are run through advanced plagiarism checking software to certify originality.
We publish non-fiction works, however, if you wish to submit a fiction work that falls into the genre criteria for NIneteen Ten Publishing, please do feel free to do so but include a letter of explanation as the content, purpose and marketing plan for your piece.
Your work must meet the following guidelines:
You must be an expert in your market with a unique message to share. Here are two such examples: “A history of the U.S. Military in Disaster Response” or “Emergency Management Philosophy in the new millennium” or “The actions of responders in Hurricane Katrina”.
Your book must solve a particular problem, provide proven solutions, or offer unique and fresh insights for readers.
We accept simultaneous submissions and submissions from authors with or without literary agents.
We accept submissions for nonfiction books in the following markets (not a complete list):
Public Health
Emergency Management
Security Technology
Disaster Response
Law Enforcement
Border Patrol
Homeland Security
Private Sector Preparedness
Industrial or Commercial Safety and Security
Any historically-focused work in these genres

We are looking forward to reviewing your work and finding out more about you!

Our staff is always ready to consider new ideas, concepts and projects!

Not sure if you have a piece ready to submit? Send us an email and let us know what you are working on...maybe we can help you!
Edit Your Manuscript Before You Submit
Please do your best to edit your manuscript before you submit it for review. If we find countless typos, mistakes, or plot holes in your manuscript, we will tell you that you need to work with an editor and invest more time and effort in the editing process. The submissions that tend to stand out and are most likely to be accepted for a publishing deal are those that are well-edited.
How to Submit a Manuscript
Simply send via the CONTACT US page of this site.
Please include your full name, a brief (2-3 sentence) synopsis or description of your proposed book and a link to your website(s) if applicable.
If you have written more than one book, please send the book you’re most excited about. Feel free to mention in your note that you’ve written multiple books, but only send us one manuscript for review at a time.
If we accept your manuscript, we can then talk with you about other books you’ve written.
If your manuscript isn’t a good fit for us to publish, feel free to send us another book after we’ve responded to your first submission. Our editors ask that you do not submit multiple manuscripts to us at one time.
NineteenTen Publishing is a facilitating publisher and exists to assist you in the process of publishing and marketing your book. Each submission is treated individually as a project and partnership between you and NineteenTen Publishing. You will be contacted regarding your submission in person and via a phone call once it has been reviewed.